Irregular celebration of European Music Day 2020
21st of June is the celebration of music Europwide, even this year too, Coronavirus can’t hold us back from this special day. Of course, it’ll be all under the health and safety regulations, therefore European Music Day 2020 will be a special edition with stream-concerts only.
The first Music Day or Make Music Day was the Fête de la Musique in 1982, in Paris, and since then, 21st June became the celebration of music. To strendhten this initiative European Music Day Association had been founded in Brussels, in 1995, and since then, they organise and participate in seminars, workshops, conferences to support and keep European music alaive. But this year they had to face a yet unknown challenge: COVID-19 pandemic.
Even in these special and hard circumstances European Music Day will happen on 21st June this year too, with 13 cities, in alphabetical order: Athens, Berlin, Bucharest, Budapest, Istanbul, Krakow, Lisbon, Ljubljana, Manchester, Milano, Prague, Skopje and Vilnius. The stream-concert in Budapest will take place on TRIP Ship where Goodbye Darjeeling will play. For further info you can visit EMD’s website and our facebook page too.