HAIL panelek a Budapest Showcase Hub-on
Az idei rendhagyó évben a COVID-átszervezés a showcase konferenciákat sem hagyta érintetlenül. Az idei BUSH, azaz a Budapest Showcase Hub, amit idén rendhagyóan, egy naposan tartanak meg az A38 Hajón. A HAIL pedig idén sem maradhat ki.
A konferencia ingyenes, de regisztrációhoz kötött, amit itt tudtok megtenni. A teljes BUSH programot itt találjátok. A HAIL X HEMI panelek pedig:
10:30-11:30 |
Young Indie Label Associations in Deep Water Around two years ago independent label associations came to life in our region, Article 17 is at the corner, and now we are all in the middle of a pandemic crisis. What happened in the past two years and what can be done for the future? How did the lockdown affect the digital platforms and what does it do long term? With: Anca Lupes, Matthieu Philibert, Miran Rusjan, Hannes Tschürtz |
11:30-11:45 | Break |
11:45-12:45 |
Entrepreneurship in music business Self releasing artists: lasd days of labels? Are self releasing artists really self release with no team behind? Do they need to gather all knowledge for themselves or is there a platform to help? Let’s clear the picture and reveal platforms like the freshly started Music Competence Center or HEMI project. With: Carina Sava, Peter Baros, Zsolt Jeges, Márton Náray |
Találkozzunk a BUSH-on!