Zártkörű workshop a Budapest Showcase Hub alatt
Az idei Budapest Showcase Hub alatt egy zártkörű workshopon vitattuk meg a hazai és közép-kelet-európai régió hangfelvételeinek digitális terjesztési lehetőségeit a független lemezkiadók szempontjából.
Alább olvashattok egy kis összefoglalót.
Digital Landscape: Distributional Options in Hungary and the CEE Region
Panel discussion with András Bodrogi (The state51, YouTube specialist), Enikő Gallasz (WM Music Distribution), Jehan Paumero (Believe Digital Hungary) and Dejan Boskovic (RUNDA, The Orchard Serbia, Ammonite Records).
Moderated by Zsolt Jeges.
The starting point was the recent hot question in the region: on the streaming platforms, could a national editor or national playlists help on the situation of indie labels. Opinions were vary but one thing was common: YouTube is still the strongest platform in the region (Spotify had not yet been launced in Serbia).
Considering the massive amount of daily uploded new songs on the streaming platforms, in terms of national or regional editing, no human capacity would be able to handle it, therefore the algorithms of the platforms will still do the major part of the job.
Algorithms are based on the uesers personal listening history, therfore an entirely different genre or music form another country will be hardly represented in these recommendations, what takes us back to the original question, but also there was a Spotify statistic been mentioned, saying streams from playlists are just a small part of an artist’s streams. There should be a research on the music consumption side regarding the conscious and unconscious listening behaviours. Most likely playlists cannot be the base of building funbase in long term.
YouTube and YouTube Music seems to be good platforms for the users, one can easily be lost in music, but on the distribution side there are still loads of problems, for example the auto-generated videos and topic channels usually misplace the branding elements and images. On the other hand, most of the indie labels should learn how to build up a decent profile on YouTube or on the streaming platforms, they need to learn how to get the most of these oportunities.
The other problem what seems to be quite common in the region is the new rule of monatization, YouTube raised the level up to 1000 subscribers per channel, what makes most of the indie labels’ or self managed artists’ channels impossible to monetize. Also there were skepsis regarding the content ID usage too, it just simply cannot be applied globally.