HAIL Festival talk: Live music in 2023 – VIDEO
This year for the first time we sponsored a festival, the Wonderest Festival. Why? Because their sustainiblity and zero wast setps are best practises for all of us that should be followed. And in return, we organised a talk about live music in 2023.
A group of music professionals and artists discussed the future of live music, exploring questions like green touring, analogue vs digital merchandise, live streams vs in person concerts, to expect in the next ten years. Honest opinions from different spheres in the music industry and experiences from different parts of Europe.
Simeon Pranger (Treetop Agency, NL)
Quirina Geijsen (music programmer, journalist, NL)
Jakub Żukowski (sound engineer, manager, PL)
Prokop Korb (badfocus, CZ)
Moderator: Nina Schwarzott (braless management, AT)